
Before she could finish speaking, she suddenly felt a cold gaze on her.

She followed his gaze and met Lu Yan's sharp gaze.

Qin Lu's breathing quickened. She silently looked away, not daring to continue.

Gu Zhou had been standing beside Qiao Nian the entire time. He could still clearly see Qiao Nian's hands clenched into fists, her knuckles slightly white.

Gu Zhou's brow furrowed slightly. He leaned closer and whispered into her ear, his voice soft and coaxing, "You don't have to take anything they say to heart. I believe you. If you don't want to continue being pestered by them, we'll go home now!"

Gu Zhou's voice was very gentle. It was like a feather gently brushing against her heart, making it tingle.

Qiao Nian looked up and inadvertently met Gu Zhou's chestnut-colored eyes. His eyes were no longer as cold as before, but filled with gentleness.

So Gu Zhou had such a gentle side.