Protecting His Sister

Song Yu quickly regained her composure. She smiled at Old Master Jiang Qi and said, "Old Master Jiang, please answer our questions!"

Old Master Jiang Qi stroked his beard and said, "I am humbled. About seven years ago, I was fortunate enough to see Mr. Huang Shi's paintings. They were called Daylight at the End of the Night and Sunshine."

A happy smile appeared on Old Master Jiang Qi's face. He continued, "The strokes of those two paintings are gentle, but not sharp. Moreover, they were drawn on a unique piece of paper. Although the surface is smooth, there are horizontal patterns at the four corners. Moreover, Miss Song's painting happened to use this kind of paper!"

At this point, Old Master Jiang Qi's expression gradually became firm. "Although many people copy other people's paintings, it's impossible to find the same paper."

After Old Master Jiang Qi finished speaking, the others became even angrier.