Something's Happened

Lu Zhu looked at Qiao Nian lovingly. He wanted to spend more time with her, but when he saw the dark circles under Qiao Nian's eyes, his heart ached. He hurriedly said, "Sugar, go back to the hotel and rest tonight. Chen Shi will guard me here."

"But I—"

"Sugar, don't refuse your brother's kindness. We've already reunited. If Mom and Dad find out I didn't take good care of you, they'll say I treated you badly. They might even break my leg."

Hearing Lu Zhu's words, Qiao Nian couldn't help but laugh. "Brother, I won't expect you to be beaten up by Mom and Dad at your age!"

Lu Zhu smiled dotingly and said, "Alright, Sugar, listen to me now. Go and rest!"

As for what he said about being beaten up, he didn't elaborate.

Qiao Nian didn't want Lu Zhu to worry about her, so she nodded and said, "Alright, I'll go back to the hotel first. Brother, I'll come back tomorrow!"


Qiao Nian covered Lu Zhu with the blanket before walking out.