
Qiao Nian hurriedly opened her eyes and took a deep breath. Only then did the uneasiness and suffocation gradually disappear.

She had a vague feeling that Gu Zhou's third personality knew her, which meant that they had met before.

With this thought in mind, Qiao Nian recalled that he had called her Nian'er. When he spoke, he was careful, as if they had known each other for many years. Then, today was their long-awaited reunion.

However, after thinking about it carefully, she really could not remember where she had seen Gu Zhou before.

In her memory, only Qiao Yu would call her Nian'er.

If Gu Zhou called her Nian'er, that scene…

Qiao Nian didn't dare imagine it.

Her mind was all over the place now, as if it had all been a dream.

However, Gu Zhou did have a third personality.

Just as Qiao Nian's mind was in a mess and she was in a daze, the bathroom door opened.

Zhou Zhou must have come out of the shower.