I'll Pick You Up

There was also her third brother. When she was in MY, Third Brother was her bodyguard, and he was the most handsome bodyguard present. Not only that, Third Brother's style of doing things was very similar to hers. Back then, she felt that the two of them complemented each other very well.

Qiao Nian and Lu Zhu were talking when her phone rang in less than ten minutes.

She took out her phone and saw that it was Su Sheng calling.

"Miss Su."

"Miss Qiao, I'm already downstairs." Su Sheng's gentle voice came through the phone.

Qiao Nian's eyes instantly filled with stars. She said, "Alright, I'll go down now."


After the call, Qiao Nian stood up. Seeing that Lu Zhu was about to get up as well, she hurriedly said, "Brother, don't move. I'll go myself. You should hurry home and recuperate!"

"Sugar …"