
Now, she couldn't accept him being replaced by an old man.

Su Sheng was no longer in the mood to think about Qiao Nian. She was immersed in a world of collapsing faith.

"Su Sheng?"

Gu Qing's voice came from the side.

Su Sheng came back to her senses. She looked up at Gu Qing and asked in confusion, "Senior Sister, what's wrong?"

"Are you feeling unwell? I called you a few times just now, but you didn't respond?" Seeing that Su Sheng didn't look well, Gu Qing frowned slightly. "Why don't I take you to the hospital now?"

"Senior Sister, I'm fine. I was just thinking about a case I came into contact with previously. I'm just a little worried about that patient!"

"I know you're very serious when you're working, but it's useless to think too much about it now. If the patient is unwell, his family will definitely call you." Gu Qing comforted her. "Since they didn't call you, it means that he's fine."

"Yes." Su Sheng nodded casually.