How Could It Be You?

Just as the beautiful music was about to end, Su Sheng came back to her senses.

She lowered her gaze shyly, and her lips curved up involuntarily, thinking that she might be with him.

Su Sheng's gaze inadvertently fell on the man's hands. The man's hands were clenched into fists, his knuckles white and his veins bulging.

According to Su Sheng's professional knowledge, the man seemed to be angry.

Su Sheng frowned slightly. She looked up at the man in front of her. Suppressing the anger in his eyes, the man's breathing quickened.

Su Sheng was a psychiatrist. She could naturally tell that the man was angry.

The man didn't just seem to be angry. There was also a trace of fear in his eyes, as if he was afraid of losing something.

Strange, why did this man have this expression?

Did he hate this song very much?

Or had he heard this song before? Had something bad happened?

Su Sheng's mind was filled with confusion.