Bloodline Is The Most Important

Of course, Qiao Nian knew that Lu Nian was puzzled. She hurriedly said, "Actually, you've misunderstood Big Brother. He's not the kind of person who would steal someone else's woman at all. He just feels sorry for me, so Brother Ah Nian, don't think too much about it!"

Lu Nian's pupils involuntarily dilated as he looked at Qiao Nian in shock.

Could it be that Big Brother really acknowledged Qiao Nian as his sister?

Or was this just Big Brother's first move?

Lu Nian's expression instantly turned cold, and his expression turned uglier and uglier. If he wasn't wrong, Big Brother should be using his brother-sister relationship with her to urge her to get a divorce.

When Sister Nian got a divorce, Big Brother could get together with her as a lover and get married.

Big Brother had really made a good move. He had tricked Qiao Nian.

First, he tricked him, then Second Brother. He was really capable.