Good Things Are Near

She felt that no one in this world could refuse this man's request.

Moreover, she was still especially worried about Gu Zhou's condition, so she said, "Alright, then wait for me downstairs obediently. I'll look for you now."

Qiao Nian's voice also became gentle. Her gaze fell on Gu Zhou in the pavilion. After hanging up, she turned around and walked downstairs.

When Qiao Nian reached the entrance of the villa, she could see Zhou Zhou sitting upright in the pavilion from afar, looking like a kindergarten child.

When Zhou Zhou saw Qiao Nian, a bright smile appeared on his face.

His lips curved up slightly, and his beautiful eyes sparkled. They were clean and pure, without a trace of impurity.

His facial features were well-defined, but with such a smile, he looked pure.

For some reason, Qiao Nian's heart began to race. She stopped in her tracks and stared unblinkingly at him.

Was this still the swift and decisive Gu Zhou?