Want to See Mommy

"Mommy is doing very well now. I came to An City this time to look for Grandpa and Grandma. When I find them, I can bring Mommy over!" Xiao Shi sat there obediently and gave a sweet smile.

"Why didn't Mommy come with you this time?" Gu Qi was still very vigilant. In his opinion, it was very dangerous for a child to go out alone.

He was not sure if his younger brother would encounter bad people and be bullied by them.

"Mommy still has something to do at home and can't come yet." Xiao Shi didn't mention that her mommy was sick. She didn't want Brother Xiao Qi to worry about her, and it wouldn't be long before her mommy came to An City. "Brother Xiao Qi, where have you been all these years? My mommy has been looking for you too. Mommy often says that she misses you, and I've always missed Brother!"

Gu Qi's heart skipped a beat, and his eyes lit up.

Xiao Shi's words were like a beam of light, illuminating Gu Qi's lonely and dark heart.