Child Support

Su Xue naturally knew that the widow next door would never get pregnant out of wedlock. She didn't understand where that young lady had come from.

Actually, that young lady was Qiao Nian.

At that time, the young lady had many scars on her face and her forehead was injured.

At that time, she was a little puzzled. She walked over and was about to ask where the young lady's family was. She didn't expect the young lady to hug her thigh and call her Mom.

At that time, Su Xue hurriedly explained that she was not the young lady's mother, but the young lady refused to listen to anything she said and still called her mother.

In the end, the young lady finally believed her. Knowing that she wasn't her mother, she stood there dejectedly.

Su Xue asked the young lady, "Do you remember where your house is? I'll send you back!"

The young lady shook her head, looking as if she couldn't remember anything.

"Then do you remember your name?"