
Song Man felt that she was especially smart and made up for this flaw in time.

Her reasons were reasonable and flawless.

Gu Qi did not find any loopholes in Song Man's words. All these years, he had missed his mommy, so he was still willing to believe that his mommy was a kind and honest person.

Therefore, Gu Qi was willing to believe Song Man's words.

However, Song Man's next words puzzled Gu Qi again and made him wary.

"Xiao Shi, didn't Mommy tell you before that we have to work hard to find Father and your brother? Don't you remember?"

Gu Qi nodded. He had heard about this from Xiao Shi.

Song Man sighed slightly and said guiltily, "This is all Mommy's fault. Mommy has always felt sorry for you. If Mommy hadn't fainted back then, you might have returned to the Gu family. You wouldn't have to live a hard life with Mommy anymore. Mommy's greatest wish is for you to live a carefree life, like other children, and go to school happily."