
Song Man looked over and met Qiao Nian's gaze. Her expression instantly darkened.

Who did Qiao Nian think she was?

She was just something to flush!

How dare she show off in front of her?

When she returned to the Lu family and her children acknowledged their ancestors, she would be the most respected woman in the world. Qiao Nian wasn't even worthy of carrying her shoes.

"Why did you hit the child?" Qiao Nian's eyes were cold, and her voice was firm and unceremonious.

Song Man met Qiao Nian's gaze fearlessly and said coldly, "You must be the Auntie Nian Nian Xiao Shi was talking about!"

"Why did you hit the child?" Qiao Nian asked coldly.

She did not care about anything else. She was only concerned about why Song Man had hit the child.

A child was a gift from the heavens to adults. A child was an innocent and adorable angel.

If Song Man could raise such a gentle, adorable, and kind child, why did she still hit her child?