Afraid of Losing Her

Song Man shook her head and pulled Xiao Shi to the sofa to sit down. "I'm really fine. Don't worry!"

"But there's blood on the ground. How can she be fine?" There was a hint of sadness in her voice. In the past, when Mommy took things too hard, she would hurt herself. There were still traces of past injuries on Mommy's arms and legs. She hurriedly pulled Song Man's arm. "Let me see where you're injured!"

Seeing that Xiao Shi was so concerned about her, Song Man heaved a sigh of relief. Xiao Shi really loved her the most.

"Don't worry, I'm really fine this time. Mommy was just being stubborn for a moment and didn't think it through!"

"Why?" Xiao Shi looked at Song Man in confusion. What exactly had happened between her brother and Mommy?

When Song Man heard Xiao Shi's question, she said the excuse she had long thought of. "Xiao Shi, do you still remember that you were protecting Qiao Nian just now?"