Biological Relationship

Chen Qing put the test report into a folder. Without looking at the results, he walked straight to Xiao Shi's ward.

Outside the ward.

Song Man continued to accompany Xiao Shi in the ward.

Gu Zhou and Qiao Nian sat on the chairs in the corridor. Gu Zhou didn't look well.

Qiao Nian held Gu Zhou's hand tightly and comforted him softly. "Xiao Shi is still young. Don't scare her!"

Gu Zhou had a headache.

Seeing how dependent Xiao Shi was on Song Man, he felt that his previous plan might have been a little rash.

If he forcefully took Xiao Shi away from Song Man, she might be frightened.

Could he really only let Song Man be by Xiao Shi's side?

Song Man was a very scheming woman. He was very sure that the woman from five years ago was not Song Man. How did Song Man chance upon Xiao Shi?

What if he found out in the future that Song Man was not the woman from five years ago and could not accept it?