Testing Her Hair

As soon as Qiao Nian finished speaking, Song Man's expression changed.

If she used her hair for a DNA paternity test, her future wealth would no longer exist.

With this thought in mind, Song Man reached out to snatch her hair from Qiao Nian's hand.

Qiao Nian turned around and avoided Song Man's snatch.

Qiao Nian handed Song Man's hair to Chen Qing behind her and said, "Use this to test. Go!"

Chen Qing nodded and walked out with his hair.

At this moment, Song Man's expression had also changed, and her eyes were filled with panic. She looked at Qiao Nian angrily, forgetting to hide her gaze.

Gu Zhou walked in with an indifferent expression. When he saw Song Man's pale face, he understood. It seemed that their guess outside was right.

Song Man was indeed not the girl from five years ago, nor was she the mother of the two children.