Don't Look

Xiao Shi looked at Song Man. Before she could react, Song Man pushed her away with all her might.

Gu Zhou was the first to rush to the window. He hugged Xiao Shi and shielded her in his arms.

When Qiao Nian ran to the window, she saw Song Man falling.

"Mommy!" Xiao Shi struggled to find Song Man.

At this moment, Song Man was about to land on the ground.

Qiao Nian hurriedly covered Xiao Shi's eyes with her hand and said softly, "You're still young. Don't look!"

Before Qiao Nian covered her eyes, she still saw Song Man fall to the ground in a sorry state.

Tears fell uncontrollably. Xiao Shi cried until her body trembled.

Qiao Nian looked at Xiao Shi in front of her, her heart aching terribly. Xiao Shi was just a child, but she had received so much information in one day. She even had to accept the death of the mommy who had raised her for five years.

She regretted it.