Talking to Her Alone

Qiao Nian looked around but didn't see anyone else. A trace of confusion flashed in her eyes, but she quickly focused on Xiao Shi.

Xiao Shi stood in front of the tombstone. When she saw Song Man's photo, there was suddenly no trace of sadness in her heart.

In the photo, Song Man had a bright smile on her face. Everything around her paled in comparison.

Song Man was rarely happy. Xiao Shi still remembered that on Song Man's birthday, she had secretly prepared a cake for her. Song Man had smiled happily.

At that time, Xiao Shi realized that Song Man looked very good when she smiled.

She had always thought that Song Man was unhappy because she only had one arm.

Xiao Shi recalled everything she had done with Song Man. She had never expected Song Man to be a bad person.

"Can I speak to her alone?" As Xiao Shi spoke, she looked up at Qiao Nian and asked seriously.