Song Man Is Dead?

How was this possible?

Why was Song Man's phone in Qiao Nian's hands?

Qiao Xin stammered, "W-why do you have Song Man's phone? Where is Song Man?"

Qiao Nian looked at Qiao Xin expressionlessly and said, "You're looking for Song Man? She's already dead!"

Qiao Xin hung up and frowned. She questioned, "You're spouting nonsense. How can she be dead? What exactly did you do to Song Man? Did you kidnap her? Could it be because Song Man has Gu Zhou's child?"

At this moment, Qiao Xin realized how terrifying Qiao Nian was. In order to secure her position as Young Madam Gu, Qiao Nian had actually killed someone!

"Song Man is already dead!" As Qiao Nian spoke, she took out her phone, flipped to a photo, and handed it to Qiao Xin.

That photo was of Song Man lying in a pool of blood!

Qiao Xin was so frightened that her face turned pale. She hurriedly covered her mouth, suppressing the urge to vomit. She took two steps back in fear.