Six Million

"Six million?" Qiao Yu looked at Su Xue in disbelief.

More than twenty years ago, six million yuan was a huge sum!

Su Xue lowered her head. She didn't expect herself to tell the truth.

In her opinion, the more mistakes one made, the better it was to say nothing.

Qiao Yu's mind was in a mess. Six million yuan was a huge sum in the modern era. Ordinary families would never have so much money in their entire lives.

He looked at Su Xue's face as if he was looking at a stranger. He was so angry that he laughed.

"Qiao Yu." Su Xue felt that something was wrong with Qiao Yu's expression and called out worriedly, "What's wrong?"

"Six million. You took six million away. How can you treat Qiao Nian like this? Do you still have a conscience?" Qiao Yu was so angry that he loosened his tie, his eyes slightly red.