I'm Your Biological Sister

Song Yu had wrapped up filming her period drama today. She was driving back to her apartment when her phone suddenly rang.

Casually, she pressed the answer button and asked, "Hello?"

"Are you Song Yu?"

A gentle voice came through the phone.

"Yes, may I know who you are?" Song Yu raised her eyebrows slightly. This person's voice was a little familiar, but she couldn't remember who it was.

"I'm your biological sister!"

Song Yu's expression changed slightly. She parked the car by the side of the road and frowned slightly. She said coldly, "Miss, if you spread false news, I'll send you a lawyer's letter!"

"Song Yu, if you don't believe me, I can do a DNA test with you. I'm waiting for you at Starbucks now. If you don't appear for an hour, I'll spread the news!"