
"Sister, actually, you don't have to be so wary of me. I won't do anything to you." Song Xue's voice was as sweet as ever.

However, Song Yu didn't believe Song Xue at all. She said coldly, "Let's meet again."

"Sure, Sister. I have so much to tell you." Song Xue sounded very happy.

The venue was set by Song Yu.

When Song Yu arrived at the Western restaurant, Song Xue had already arrived and was looking at the menu.

Song Yu sat opposite Song Xue and said to the waiter, "Just give me a medium-well steak set meal. Thank you."

When Song Xue heard Song Yu's words, she pointed at a set meal and said, "This will do. Thank you."

"Alright, please wait a moment." With that, the waiter took the menu and left.

Song Yu looked at Song Xue. Although she knew that Song Xue was her biological sister, she still had no feelings for her. There was only unfamiliarity.