Dodge the bullet

At six in the evening.

Just as Qiao Nian was making pills in the medicinal room, her cell phone suddenly rang!

She stopped what she was doing and took out her phone. She saw a message from Fourth Brother.

"He Cheng has already been taken away by the police. He'll probably stay in there for a few years before coming out!"

Qiao Nian's lips curved up slightly. She replied swiftly, "How's Qiao Xin?"

"The beggars in the temple only know that they were invited over by He Cheng. Some of them also know that He Cheng had a sugar daddy behind him, but they didn't know that the sugar daddy was Qiao Xin. As there's insufficient evidence, Qiao Xin can't be convicted!"

When Qiao Nian saw Lu Jiang's messages, she lowered her gaze slightly and replied.