You have to believe Mommy.

"There's no mistake. The person we're arresting is Qiao Xin. Please don't disturb us while we're on official business!" the police officer said expressionlessly.

"Then can I have a word with my daughter? I just want—"

Before Su Xue could finish speaking, Qiao Xin interrupted coldly, "I don't think there's anything to talk about between us!"

When Su Xue heard Qiao Xin's words, it was as if she had been struck by lightning. She stood rooted to the ground in a daze, looking at Qiao Xin in disbelief. Her voice trembled. "You… you really know everything?"

Qiao Xin stopped in her tracks, as did the two police officers. They let the mother and daughter talk!

"If you don't want others to know, don't do it!" Qiao Xin said through gritted teeth.