I Dare Not Think

Qiao Yu knew in his heart that Qiao Shan already regretted his previous decision. He couldn't bring up what had happened again.

He had just come out of the ancestral hall and was about to return to his room to rest when he seemed to hear his mother's cry from afar. He rushed over, but he did not expect his father to almost strangle his mother to death.

In the past, his father had a bad temper. Sometimes, he would hit his mother. At that time, he stopped him whenever he could.

Ever since his father found out that his mother was having an affair, his father hit her even more brazenly. He had heard these things from his sister. When he was at home, his father never hit her.

Qiao Yu frowned slightly and asked, "Why did you fall out with Mom?"

"It's all because she's despicable. She…" Qiao Shan wanted to tell her everything about Su Xue, but the person sitting in front of him was his son, so he couldn't bring himself to do so.