Ten Questions

It was actually the ten questions her grandfather had set for her!

She glanced at the time of the post on Tieba. This post had been published after her grandfather disappeared!

Could it really be Grandpa who had published it?

Qiao Nian wanted to crack this website, but it was protected by a region's security, so she couldn't do so for the time being.

Although she couldn't completely crack this website, Qiao Nian had obtained a piece of information. The IP address of this website was overseas in MY.

Qiao Nian's expression grew more and more serious. Could it be that her grandfather had been taken to MY?

Qiao Nian remembered that Gu Zhou's brother and his bodyguard had also disappeared with her grandfather.

Through her communication with Gu Zhou, she suspected that Brother Gu Zhou's bodyguard was her Eldest Senior Brother.