Blood for Blood

Jiang Chi slowly closed his eyes. When he opened them again, his voice was as cold as ice. "Since we already know that the murderer was the one who kidnapped the eldest daughter of the Lu family back then, as long as we find that group of people, we'll be able to find out which beast harmed my brother. I'll definitely make him pay with his life!"

When Qiao Nian heard Jiang Chi's words, she heaved a sigh of relief. Jiang Chi's words meant that he would no longer be her enemy!

One more friend was better than one more enemy!

If Jiang Chi was an enemy, not only would they have to find the people who had kidnapped him back then, but they also had to guard against Jiang Chi stabbing them in the back!

Moreover, Jiang Cheng had died because of her back then. It was precisely because of this that she did not want to be enemies with Jiang Chi.