Shut up!

"You don't have to worry about this. I've already done a match test before. Her bone marrow is completely compatible with my daughter's bone marrow. All you have to do here is perform the surgery!" the woman said happily, as if she could already see her daughter getting better.

Shen An frowned and asked, "Where did you get Lu Nian's blood?"

If they wanted to do a bone marrow transplant, they needed to test if their venous blood matched.

Lu Nian was the eldest daughter of the Lu family, and many people around her took care of her. How did this woman get Lu Nian's intravenous blood?

"Could it be that you're a member of the Lu family, or that you've already planted your spies in the Lu family?" Shen An asked impatiently. He wanted to investigate who had done such a crazy thing.