
Gu Zhou exuded a cold aura. He looked at Jiang Yue coldly and asked, "I wonder what grudge you have with my wife that you have to kill her!"

When Boss Jin heard Gu Zhou's question, he said, "I know about this!"

Gu Zhou raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "I want to hear what nonsense she has been spouting at you."

When Boss Jin heard Gu Zhou's words, he frowned. Then, he said righteously, "Second Young Master Gu, I think you've been deceived. Your wife isn't a good person at all. Although she's good-looking, her heart has long been rotten. Previously, she couldn't stand Yue'er being good-looking, so she directly ruined Yue'er's face and chased her out of An City. Yue'er brought her here today to ruin her face. I think this is very fair to her."