I Don't Know How to Play

Xiao Bao immediately covered his mouth happily. When he realized that it was wrong of him to mock Uncle Chang Feng like this, he pretended to be serious.

"Uncle Feng, do you think Mommy will be unhappy to play games with me because I didn't play well?"

"Don't worry, she's very strong. It's not a problem for her to fight five people alone!" Chang Feng said with a smile.

Xiao Bao's eyes were filled with stars, and he looked at her with admiration. "Mommy is really amazing."

"She used to be second in the national server. She didn't seem to play much after that. Now, she's dropped to top 20." Chang Feng told Xiao Bao all the information he had found.

Xiao Bao took Chang Feng's arm and asked coquettishly, "Uncle Feng, when I'm done playing, can I acknowledge Mommy?"