
Xiao Bao frowned and sighed like an adult. "If only Dad wasn't so busy with work. Daddy used to be so busy too. He couldn't accompany me often."

"Children have to study. Adults have to work and earn money. This is what we have to do," Qiao Nian said patiently to Xiao Bao. She patted his head. "You'll understand when you grow up."

"Mommy, I'll spend all the money I earn from work on you in the future!" Xiao Bao said very filially.

"Yes, Mommy will save it up for you when the time comes." Qiao Nian smiled at Xiao Bao and lowered her head to kiss his forehead. Holding Xiao Bao in her arms, she looked out of the window with a complicated expression.

She wondered when their family would be reunited.

The plane took off. Xiao Bao watched as everything around him gradually shrank. His heart gradually emptied. He knew that he might not come here again.

Daddy, Uncle Feng, when can you go home?