
Just as Lu Qi was about to say something, the sound of a huge rock smashing down came from the roof of the front passenger seat. When Lu Qi heard Qin Chuan grunt, she was so frightened that she gripped the clothes in front of him tightly.

Qin Chuan whispered gently into Lu Qi's ear, "I'm sorry, Qi Qi."

Lu Qi's pupils dilated slightly. Just as she was about to say something, a violent sound came from above her head and she heard Qin Chuan's muffled groan.

"Senior," Lu Qi called out carefully, but the rumbling of the collapse drowned out the rest of Lu Qi's words.

Accompanied by the sound of the collapse, the car kept swaying. She was dizzy and a little breathless.

The lights in the tunnel completely dimmed. The entire world seemed to be swallowed by darkness.