
Song Yu scrolled down WeChat. It was all from Song Xue.

Song Xue said, "I've long disliked Lu Qi!"

Song Xue said, "If only she were dead this time!"

Song Xue said, "I heard that you're on good terms with her in the Lu family. I wanted to tell you about this so that you can be mentally prepared!"

Song Yu was no longer in the mood to continue reading. She opened her missed calls and saw that they were all from Song Xue. She called her back.

As soon as the call went through, Song Yu's voice trembled as she asked coldly, "What did you do to Lu Qi?"

Soon, Song Xue's sarcastic voice came through the phone. "Oh, are you anxious?"

"I don't have time to tell you anything else. What exactly happened to Lu Qi?" Song Yu gripped her cell phone tightly and asked uneasily.