Falling Out

Qin Chuan nodded gently and sat up with Qiao Nian's help. Thinking of how Song Yu had said that he was injured because the tunnel had collapsed, he asked curiously, "Nian Nian, why did the tunnel collapse?"

"Senior, you need to rest well now and conserve your strength." Qiao Nian helped Qin Chuan sit up and placed her bag on a cabinet at the side, then took out a silver needle.

When Qin Chuan saw the silver needle in Qiao Nian's hand, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. Was this needle really used to treat illnesses and not to kill?

Although he was very puzzled, he still trusted Qiao Nian wholeheartedly.

When he realized this, he found it a little unbelievable.

After Song Yu walked out of the ward, her expression instantly darkened. She muted her phone and walked out. Only when she walked out of the hospital area and into the garden did she look at her cell phone.

There were six missed calls on the cell phone.