Repeated Advice

Song Yu lowered her gaze slightly and ate her porridge silently. She had a bold guess. Could it be that the Song family was related to the Europeans?

At the thought of this, Song Yu gripped her chopsticks even harder.

Song Yu wanted to investigate those things, but if she interfered, she would definitely expose her. Then…

Gu Zhou looked at Qin Chuan and continued, "Lu Rao and Lu Jiang will arrive in An City this afternoon. When the time comes, they'll protect the Lu family, and the Lu family will be safe. Nian'er and I have decided to go to Europe this afternoon. When the time comes, I'll leave everything in An City to you."

Qin Chuan also wanted to go to Europe to take a look. He wanted to know who was so bold, but when he thought about how Qi Qi might be hurt if he left, he sighed helplessly. He looked at Gu Zhou and said, "Alright, be careful there."