It Has Been Hard on You.

Qiao Nian glanced at Gu Zhou, who was sitting beside her. Gu Zhou had always been a taciturn person. He rarely spoke.

At the thought of this, Qiao Nian prepared to find a topic to talk about.

At this moment, Gu Ting spoke.

"I've already heard from your Grandma about what happened in An City." As Gu Ting spoke, his gaze fell on Qiao Nian's face, his eyes exuding gentleness. "Sugar, it's been hard on you."

When Qiao Nian heard the word "Sugar", she was slightly stunned. Only the Lu family called her that.

He called her that, making her feel especially close to him.

When she looked up at Gu Ting, for some reason, she felt that he was exceptionally close.

Gu Zhou knew that Qiao Nian couldn't remember what had happened when she was young. He explained, "When you were young, Grandpa Lu often brought you to the Gu family. At that time, you were still very young. Everyone called you Sugar. My father called you that too. He even hugged you."