
After a long time, he planted a light kiss on Qiao Nian's forehead. "Go to sleep!"


Qiao Nian closed her eyes and fell asleep in a daze.

She seemed to be standing in a forest, surrounded by whiteness.

Qiao Nian looked around and found her familiar. For a moment, she couldn't remember where she had seen this place before.

At this moment, the sound of a car engine came from afar, mixed with laughter.

Qiao Nian realized that there was someone in front of her. She walked towards the sound. Before she reached it, she heard the sound of fireworks.

When Qiao Nian walked over, she saw luxury cars parked there. A large group of people was standing beside the cars. The men were all wearing suits and leather shoes, while the women were wearing beautiful gowns.

What puzzled Qiao Nian was that she couldn't see their faces clearly.