Testing the Medicine Personally

Hearing the assistant's words, the anger on Wright's face dissipated a little. He pursed his lips slightly and asked hesitantly, "Will your life not be in danger for the next twenty-four hours?"

The assistant nodded affirmatively and said, "Yes. The doctor told me that if I take the antidote within 48 hours, it won't cause any harm to my body, nor will there be any aftereffects. Please rest assured, Prince."

Wright heaved a sigh of relief and said in satisfaction, "That's good. Although Lina is missing an arm, it's good as long as she's alive. She's the most useful to us alive. If she dies, she'll be useless."

"That's right, my prince!" The assistant hurriedly curried favor with him.

Wright picked up the binoculars again, keeping an eye on the two men in the hospital garden.