
Aisha was so angry that she was panting heavily, her chest heaving. She glared fiercely at Lina, looking as if she wanted to eat her alive. She asked, "Are you sure you won't tell Wright?"

Lina smiled and nodded. "Aisha, you're my good sister. We all have the same grandparents. I'm close to you. Otherwise, I wouldn't have remained silent after getting the video."

"Alright, pretend I didn't come today!" Aisha tried hard to suppress the anger in her chest. Her gaze landed on Lina's face and she warned solemnly, "If I find out that the video has been leaked, I'll never let you off!"

Lina smiled and nodded. "Don't worry, I won't spread the video."

With Lina's assurance, Aisha turned around and walked towards her car. Her mind was in a mess, and her mind was filled with thoughts of how to fool Wright and tell him that she had no way to save Annie.