Lack of Trust

"How many people did you bring?" Gu Zhou's mind raced as he made a plan.

Cui Qi said expressionlessly, "A total of 3,600."

Gu Zhou looked at the mercenary leader and said in a low voice, "Go and check if the numbers match."


Cui Qi looked up at Gu Zhou, a trace of confusion flashing in his eyes. He didn't understand what Gu Zhou was doing. He narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he had thought of something. "What are you doing?"

"General Cui, is this something you should be concerned about?" Gu Zhou said coldly, his gaze landing not far away. "You should worry about yourself first."

"I'll make all of them retreat," Cui Qi said impatiently, worried that Gu Zhou would not agree. "I'll make them never attack the Seventh Princess again. Don't kill them."