
When Shen Mei spoke of this, her eyes were filled with tears. She sniffled. "He has always taken care of me and stayed by my side…"

Tears streamed down Shen Mei's face uncontrollably, and she began to sob uncontrollably.

Qiao Nian hurriedly wiped Shen Mei's tears with a tissue and patted her back. She said gently, "Madam, don't be agitated. Tell me slowly. I'm listening."

Shen Mei was crying so hard that she could barely breathe. She opened her mouth and took deep breaths. After a long while, she calmed down. "His… his name seems to be Shen An."

As Qiao Nian listened to Shen Mei's description, she was now 100% certain that Shen Mei was Shen An's daughter. She tried hard to suppress the excitement in her heart. As long as she found Shen Mei and reminded her of the kidnapping more than twenty years ago, she would know who had been controlling those things behind the scenes.