We'll Do Our Best

Seeing Qiao Nian's worried expression, Gu Zhou leaned forward slightly and kissed her forehead. He comforted her in a low voice, "Don't worry, Cui Qi won't be the only one testifying against him tomorrow. There's also the president. The president has been fighting with him. Everything will be resolved tomorrow."

Hearing Gu Zhou's voice, Qiao Nian's gaze fell on his face. Looking into his clear eyes, the uneasiness in her heart gradually dissipated. Her lips curved up slightly as she nodded. "Okay."

The two of them indeed had their limitations. It was very difficult to fight Mark, the local tyrant, in an unfamiliar place like Europe. Luckily, they still had the president's help.

Seeing that Qiao Nian's expression had improved a lot, Gu Zhou said, "The rest has nothing to do with us. What we have to do now is to investigate the kidnapping twenty-one years ago and find the people who wanted to frame the Gu and Lu families to protect our home."