Not Worth It

Mark looked at the president and apologized sincerely in a gentle voice. "I'm sorry. I never expected Annie to do such a crazy thing. Fortunately, we've already investigated everything. Annie will be punished by the law. I hope you don't mind this. It's not worth it if this affects our relationship."

Not worth it?

Mark didn't even want his daughter, but he actually dared to talk about the worth of their relationship.

The president felt that Mark was too funny.

Mark was about to pat the president on the shoulder like an elder brother to comfort him, but the next moment, the president dodged.

Mark's hand stopped awkwardly in midair. He looked at the president in surprise, a trace of sadness flashing in his eyes.

The president's gaze fell on Mark's face. His eyes were as sharp as a cold blade. He said, "I think you know very well who the cold person is in this matter!"