Private Matter

Lina was in a daze, but she quickly came back to her senses. She coughed and reached out to push Chen Qing away. She silently stood to the side, maintaining a safe distance from Chen Qing.

Being too close to him made her nervous. She was so nervous that she didn't know what to say.

Lina took a deep breath and deliberately looked at Chen Qing coldly. She said in a low voice, "Nian Nian has just left. If Mr. Chen wants to look for Nian Nian, you can call her directly."

"I'm not looking for her."

Lina nodded in understanding. Chen Qing must have come to look for her because of what had happened at the banquet just now.

She could almost imagine what Chen Qing would say next. It must be some pleasantries, such as Nian Nian asking him to protect her.

Lina said indifferently, "If Mr. Chen is here to apologize for what happened at the banquet just now, there's actually no need. The matter is over, and everyone is fine."