Just Joking

Mark tried hard to suppress the rampaging emotions in his body. He didn't want all his years of hard work to be ruined just like that.

The president looked at Mark's exasperated but helpless expression and couldn't help but smile. To be honest, ever since he became president, he had never been as happy as he was now.

This was simply too satisfying!

The president couldn't help but smile. He had never felt so happy before.

Seeing that Mark was about to regain his composure, the president seemed to have thought of something. He frowned and said seriously, "If I remember correctly, the third rule of the national law states that if anyone offends the president's dignity, they will be thrown into prison and their identity and title will be deposed. All their assets will be confiscated and they would be demoted to refugees!"

Although he was only cooperating with Qiao Nian on purpose, the coldness in his eyes when he looked at Mark showed his true feelings.