
"Previously, Mr. Chen and I were investigating the people above Cui Huai. Later on, we found some clues, but we didn't expect his superior to be Mark from Europe. It's obvious that Mark is very ambitious. He seems to be constantly expanding his control over the country. Even if we know that they're related now, we don't have full evidence," Chang Feng said with a complicated expression.

Cui Huai had hidden himself too well. This indirectly proved that Mark was very cautious. Every step he took was very careful.

Qiao Nian and Gu Zhou looked at each other. They both understood what Chang Feng meant. Mark was really too careful.

After they arrived in Europe, the first time they saw Mark was in court. The second time was at Lina's engagement ceremony.

Mark didn't seem to go out much usually. If anything happened, he would communicate with his trusted aides. Not only that, those trusted aides were very loyal to Mark.