
Lina's vision was blocked and her body slightly shook. Her heart, which had initially given up on all hope, started to beat wildly again. She took off the blanket on her face. The person standing in front of her was none other than the person she yearned for.

Before Lina could make a sound, Via, who had been kneeling at the side and crying, suddenly rejoiced. She quickly got up from the ground and shouted emotionally. "Mr. Chen!"

Lina's eyes lit up again. Just as she was about to speak, she saw Chen Qing turn back to look at her.


Before Lina could finish speaking, Chen Qing picked her up in his arms and placed her on the sofa not far away.

"How did you…" Lina's eyes were red as she looked at Chen Qing worriedly. Wasn't he afraid of danger? He had actually rushed over now.