
The president's mind raced. According to Gu Zhou and Qiao Nian, using this method to force Mark to rebel could indeed give him something to use against him. However, he was worried that he didn't have enough troops.

The president had been in Europe for so many years. He had been taught since he was young on how to govern a country, so he did not trust anyone.

He looked up at Gu Zhou and Qiao Nian warily.

Gu Zhou and Qiao Nian were foreigners. Would they really help him?

What made the president hesitate was that Gu Zhou and Qiao Nian actually knew so much that he didn't know.

Could he really work with them?

He had heard a saying from Country Z in the past that the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.

He didn't know if Gu Zhou and Qiao Nian were good or bad. Would they take the opportunity to take over Europe?