Breaking His Defense

Cui Huai glanced at the sky outside. It was gradually getting dark. There were many things to preparefor their trip to Europe, so he said, "Tomorrow!"

"Alright, I'll go back and prepare!" Chen Sheng's jade-like eyes were sparkling, as if he was looking forward to the future.

"Go!" Cui Huai waved his hand at Chen Sheng, indicating for him to leave. He looked at Chen Sheng's back as he left, as if he was looking at himself after so many years.

At that time, when the president was forced to a dead end by Earl Mark, he had also encouraged the president like this, hoping that the president could resist Earl Mark.

They had won that battle!

Cui Huai only hoped that they could win this battle as well!

When Chen Sheng went out of the room, he saw that Sha He and Ba Song were still sitting on the sofa. One was reading the newspaper, and the other was playing games on his phone.