Sleeping Together

When the wedding starts tomorrow, there would definitely be some people who would not be able to go for some reason.

Chang Feng and Qiao Nian hacked into the hotel's system together and blocked all the cameras. They even retrieved the surveillance cameras from a few days ago to replace tonight's recording.

Lina sat beside Qiao Nian and watched as Qiao Nian's fingers danced quickly on the keyboard. When Qiao Nian stopped what she was doing and knew that she had already settled her matters, she asked curiously, "Nian Nian, how did you and Mr. Gu fall in love in the beginning?"

Qiao Nian moved her shoulders slightly. Hearing Lina's question, she couldn't help but laugh. "Actually, my story with him is a little complicated. We first had children, then were forced to get married. Then, our children were kidnapped. Later, we lived together. It was all for the children!"